Surrey Soo Bahk Do


2020 Class Restart

Hi Everyone

I am very pleased to announce that we are planning to restart classes at Tomlinscote Sports Centre on Sunday 20th September 2020.

As we are all aware with the current Covid 19 situation, things are very different now, and we are having to adapt how we operate at SSBD to comply with all the new restrictions required to keep everyone safe.

After meeting with the management at the sports centre, we have a new set of rules that must be followed in order for us to use their facilities. Please read the list below and follow the rules with no exceptions, I understand if you do not feel you can train with the new system and decide to stop attending class until you are comfortable to do so.

All class fees are now to be paid by BACS; no cash can be accepted, I will send the club bank details when you confirm your contact details.

I have contact details for everyone but it is imperative you reconfirm with me before you attend class the following as soon as possible, if you do not do so you will be refused entry to the Sports Centre and Class. Please private message me the following ASAP:

SSBD/Tomlinscote Sports Centre
Covid 19 Rules

Download a copy of these rules to keep and print.

  1. Entry to sports centre through main entrance, following markings on floor to Dojang, Exit via double doors at rear of Dojang.
  2. Children must be dropped off at the entrance and collected at the end of the class at the exit, we are not able to allow anyone to spectate at this time, please do not congregate at the exit in large groups.
  3. Temperature check on entry to Dojang.
  4. Arrive in Dobok as there are no changing rooms available.
  5. Training in sports shoes, No bare feet.
  6. Bring water with you as there will be no facilities for water.
  7. Use sterile gel on entering and leaving Dojang.
  8. All class fee’s to be paid by BACS, no cash payments.
  9. No shouting at anytime, masks can be worn if you wish.
  10. No sharing of equipment, no contact training.